
Pistachio Chocolate Bark


Chocolate anyone?! I’m not a huge chocolate lover, even though I love all kinds of chocolatey desserts. But once in a while when a chocolate craving kicks in I like to make my own easy peasy high-quality 10-min chocolate, made with only 3 base ingredients, which tastes just as good – if not better – as the packaged ones! I like the versatility and how you can add whatever your heart desires to your chocolate bark. This time I was feeling like pistachios, so this happened!

Pistachio Chocolate Bark Recipe


  • 1/2 cup raw cacao or carob powder
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 3-4 tablespoons pure maple syrup {see Note}
  • Dash of unrefined sea salt
  • 1/4 cup pistachios, for topping


  1. If your coconut oil is solid, add it to a small pan and let it melt over low heat
  2. Once melted, remove from heat, add cacao or carob powder to the oil and mix well with a spoon until completely dissolved (no clumps remaining)
  3. Add maple syrup and sea salt and stir to combine
  4. Pour melted chocolate into a lined baking dish and transfer to the freezer
  5. Remove from freezer after 5 minutes before fully set to add the pistachios
  6. Transfer back to the fridge or freezer to let it set. Cut into small pieces and enjoy!

NOTE: Carob is naturally sweet, so if you use carob powder you can omit the maple syrup altogether or add less of it. Taste test and adjust the sweetness according to your liking.

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